
Black Cumin Seed Oil
A natural botanical formula for overall wellness and healthy immune response
In today’s hectic world of high stress and poor diet, not to mention concern about the overuse of antibiotics, Americans are looking for more natural ways to boost their immune function and support optimal wellness. Black Cumin (Nigella sativa), also known as black seed or black cumin seed, is an Ayurvedic herb that has been a remedy for respiratory ailments, skin infections and wounds. It has also been a digestive aid in Middle Eastern and Asian cultures for many generations. Now, Princeton Vitamins has captured the best properties of Nigella sativa in its newest product BlacQumin® to provide gentle, botanical support for general wellness and immune health.
Black cumin seed oil is now one of the most in-demand botanical ingredients in the nutritional market place. Derived from Nigella sativa, an annual flowering plant native to south and southwest Asia, it is thought to offer a wide range of healing properties because of the hundreds of active components hidden in its tiny black seeds. These compounds include arachidonic acid, calcium, copper, iron, niacin, pyridoxine, thiamin, thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, hederagenin, zinc, linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic acid (omega-3), to name a few.
Scientists have now begun to study the healing effects of these components to understand how they work and how they contribute to many health benefits linked to this botanical. These benefits include antibiotic properties, glucose absorption modulation, the potential to reduce inflammatory response in arthritis, as well as providing support for the liver, immune function and the heart.*
Recent research has shown that Nigella sativa can support overall health and healthy blood sugar metabolism,1*as well as provide antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects,2,3 and may also play some role, through its active constituent thymoquinone, in the molecular cell signaling and genetic pathways that are associated with cancer.4,5*
Princeton Vitamins is proud to introduce its proprietary formula from natural black cumin seed oil extracted using supercritical fluid extraction (SCFE).
Product Highlights:
- 100% Vegetarian
- 100% Natural
- Standardized extract
- Excellent antioxidant
- Non-GMO
- Gluten Free
- Solvent Free
- Alcohol Free
Scientific evidence now shows the promise of natural and traditional methods in supporting overall health and wellness. Now growing research is identifying the potential of black cumin seed oil from Nigella sativa to support healthy functioning of the heart, joints, respiratory system, blood glucose metabolism, digestive system, skin health, liver function, overall performance and mood.*
Princeton Vitamin’s BlacQumin® is now available at select pharmacies, health food stores, and
*The FDA has not evaluated these statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
- Sultan, MT, Butt, MS, et al. Nigella sativa: Fixed and essential oil supplementation modulates hyperglycemia and allied complications in streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus. Evidence –based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014.
- Bakathir HA, et al. Detection of the antibacterial effect of nigella sativa ground seeds with water. Afr J Trad. Complement Altern med. 2011;8(2):159-164.
- Gheita TA, et al. Effectiveness of nigella sativa oil in the management of Rheumatoid arthritis patients: A placebo controlled study. Phytother Res.2011. Dec. 12.DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3679.
- Rahmani AH, Alzohairy MA, et al. Therapeutic implications of black seed and its constituent thymoquinone in the prevention for cancer through inactivation and activation of molecular pathways. Evidence –based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014.